My first introduction to the wisdom of Henry David Thoreau was as a child, hearing my mother urge herself and others with the writer’s sage maxim: “ is frittered away by detail…simplify, simplify.” It was advice I’ve always taken to heart, if not to practice. But for the New Year, I’ve decided to actually try committing to the practice of simplification, Little by little, step by step, I'm in it for the journey.

So, while the world may not need another blog, I do. It's reinforcement, a way to process ideas and reflections, a place to lay out plans and chronicle the journey, to record struggles and successes and what I’m learning along the way, even if I occasionally “trip.” And if others share as well – thoughts, tips, strategies, comments – a blog becomes a conversation and begins a community…

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Simplest Way to Feel Good

Though I shunned New Year's Resolutions this past go round in favor of a my commitment to a "Trip to Simplicity," I actually did make one rather simple vow that I think I've managed to keep -- to dance every day, even if it's just a little quick step and hip action strolling down the grocery aisle. Just read a terrific new article that confirms what most of us who dance already know -- dancing makes you feel good, and science is explaining exactly why and how those of us "of a certain age" may find it also keeps us mentally sharp. 
"You can think of dancing as a super-battery for your brain — it integrates kinesthetic, rational, musical, and emotional brain functions all at once, which increase your neural connectivity."

Friday, October 2, 2015

200 Things to Throw Away

In my fevered purge, I've already tackled a lot of the things on this list of 200 Things to Throw Away,  but it's pretty eye-opening to see so many written down. I'm using this as a checklist!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Thought for the Day -- Beauty & Function

Love this quote from William Morris, which I try to keep in mind as I survey my domain:

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Simplicity of the Deadline

Boy, few things simplify a writer's life like a crazy tight book deadline. For three months, that was close to my sole, all consuming journalistic goal. And I liked it! I had my work cut out for me and knew exactly what that entailed, it was simply a matter of nose to the grindstone, get it done. And in the process, talking to a lot of really interesting people about what they do. It's set to be unveiled tomorrow night at the Angell Animal Medical Center's big 100th anniversary gala. After that, it's up for grabs!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Cats Don't Make It Easy

Feverishly in the final throes of my book on Angell Animal Medical Center, celebrating it's 100th anniversary this year, so my life has greatly simplified down to this one all-consuming task. Though Jasper is a constant reminder of the source material of the book, I've found it's a lot easier to get work done without a cat trying to nest on the computer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Shopping is Like Sugar

A little revelation along my trip to simplicity….

I’ve recently discovered that for me, shopping is a lot like sugar.
Once you taste it, you want more. Just like one bite of cake leads to a whole piece, and maybe a little extra frosting, then maybe you have to even up the edges where you sliced…Same with shopping. Sometimes it only takes walking into one store to put me in shopping mode. Lured by beautiful or intriguing things, I’m sucked into the search for treasure, and it can be hard to stop.

Now, I’m no mall rat -- shopping has never been an addiction, and we’re not talking high-end retail anyway. (I’m actually painfully frugal, and Bloomie’s gives me hives.) I’m more the vintage Goodwill Goddess, a thrift shop junkie thrilling at uncovering odd second-hand treasures or maybe the occasional bargain in discount land. But there’s really so little that I actually need that shopping has become more recreational pastime than mission of necessity. (And “need vs. want” is another whole conversation.) I’ve tended to use shopping as diversion, something fun to do to break the tedium of chores or the grind of writing assignments. But once I whet my appetite, I find I want more. I mean, really, who can take just one bite of brownie?

But if I don’t take that first bite, I can often redirect to, say, nuts or carrots or fruit. For me, the shopping redirect over the past few months has been work. I’m writing a tribute book on the 100th anniversary of Angell Animal Medical Center (my first long form, with a publisher’s contract, an advance – woo hoo!) It’s a lot of work, very consuming, but I’m enjoying it so much that I don’t need diversion. Work is fun. In fact, I find myself having to work at scheduling some healthy social time so that I don’t just obsessively hole up in my office, pecking away late into the night.

So for now, I’m on a shopping-reduced diet – and life is simpler…

Sunday, March 1, 2015